They say that as a passer-by you see Mani in three days, as a walker in three months, and to touch her soul you need three lives. One for its sea, one for its mountains, and one for its people. Undoubtedly true. Mani is a place with various faces. “Rough”, “unconquered” and “unbowed” are some...
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September 26th, 2022 10:15 am July 3, 2017
Mani, Greece: A Destination of Unique Beauty and Rich History
By Philip Chrysopoulos, Sitting at the southernmost tip of continental Europe, the Mani peninsula in the Peloponnese has a unique, stark landscape but its rich history and traditions make it a stunning destination for those who want to explore the real Greece. Mani is an arid region and it has a rough edge to...
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